Leading off with photo above taken this morning at small but mighty Oak Mountain in Speculator, NY., which, if you aren’t familiar with it, is about as southern Adirondacks as you can get without being out of the Adirondacks. Anyway, Oak is reporting that they’re 100% open. That’s pretty darn good considering how most of the northeast is under a blanket of ice today…let’s zip across the country to another throwback, Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort in Oregon reporting continuous fresh stuff over the past few days, they’re now dealing with a total of a foot of fresh. That’s nothing compared to what we see in Northern California, but it’s pretty darn good for east of the Cascades…as for Northern Cali, one of our favorite anti-resorts is Soda Springs, just west of Truckee, they’re dealing with 50″ of fresh although freezing up a bit this morning. It’s one of those places that everybody passes by so they can get somewhere else. But if you want super conditions and short liftlines this weekend in the Sierras, that’s one of the places to find it…back to New York, and if we can edge ever so slightly into New England, we’ll check in on throwback Catamount which straddles the NY/MA state line. Our friends at NewEnglandSkiIndustry.com report that the Cat is still working on their new (refurbished) Promenade Triple, hoping to spin sometime this month…