30 March 2017 — Pleased to announce that New England skier extraordinaire Sam Shirley is joining the ranks of correspondents here at SkiBum.net, serving up terrific photos and insights on ski areas large and small across the northeast. Above is another of Sam’s shots taken this past weekend in Vermont, Pico Mountain Resort to be precise. He brings encyclopedic knowledge of these areas, and is a long-time contributor to the Snowjournal.com website, which is the official forum for the New England Lost Ski Area Project AKA “NELSAP.” We look forward to Sam’s perspective/participation and I’m immediately doubling his salary…Ski areas east and west anticipating snow this weekend, all I can say is, why didn’t we get this back in February? Fact is we can’t complain, old man winter doesn’t care anyway…snow moving through the PAC NW, just starting to hit the Rockies. Big Sky MT with 6″ of fresh, snow falling at Copper Mountain in CO conditions there as good as they’ve been anytime this season….back to New England, NH biggie Attitash usually bangs it up this weekend but with a foot of snow on the horizon they’re hedging their bets; stay tuned…throwback news…fresh coat of paint on the “green” chairlift at Magic Mountain VT; they’re talking about salvaging that thing after decades of standing unfinished and unused. Might be just a feel good exercise at this point, but this new ownership group has turned a lot of things around and they’ve got a guy named Moe Mentum on their side, he’s a great skier…and speaking of throwbacks, neglected to report that Whaleback NH did close for the season mid month.
Above, Pico Mountain Resort; Sam Shirley photo.